2015년 10월 5일 월요일


Thin & Long something, The noodle fetish. I've got addicted to eat noodles. When I was young, I had eaten 라면(the korean noodle) a lot. (Koreans eat 73 ea 라면 per a year, averagely.) Not only 라면, I like all kind of noodles. I don't care about any noodles. In Korea, noodle means long life. If you eat 평양냉면, you shouldn't cut the noodle by teeth, also scissors. But, the noodle dishes has some imbalance of nutrition. It consist of carbohydrate, mostly.

2015년 9월 21일 월요일

Convex Pentagon Tessellation

Convex Pentagon Tessellation that tile the plane. The 15th pentagon was found out recently. It takes about 20 years to find new pentagon from 14th. Design have close relation with science.

2015년 9월 14일 월요일

Aversion Food Fetish

There are some creepy sea food such as 개불(Spoon Worm), 해삼(Sea squirt). Some people(include me), like to eat "Aversion food". That kind of food are considered delicious and health food, even if not. My favorite food is "소곱창 구이(Grilled Beef Tripe)" Cow's organ or guts...